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Thursday, September 23, 2010


well, i guess u won't be needing this because its simply amazing working on ubuntu. its got all the features which are the basic necessity of a common user. but, in case u want to change the order by any reason

follow these steps in the terminal of ubuntu.

gedit /etc/default/grub

GRUB_DEFAULT=0 //you need to edit this line and set it one number less than the OS u want to from from 1st
for example, centos is in 5th position while boot up then set GRUB_DEFAULT=4( the reason may be bcz the values are stored in an array and so, one less than actual place value)

after this u need to run a command

sudo update-grub // u need to know the root password before u execute this command.

cheers to the self-less work done by developers of ubuntu!

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