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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

pkgutil options on solaris 10

-bash-3.00# /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil
Pkgutil 1.8.0bw, install Solaris packages the easy way.

Usage: pkgutil [option]... [package](-[version])...

-i, --install Install package
-u, --upgrade Upgrade package
-r, --remove Remove package (experimental)
-d, --download Download only
-U, --catalog Update catalog
-a, --available Show available packages
-c, --compare Compare installed packages to current
-C Same as -c but only show different versions
-e, --email=address Send e-mail with available updates
-t, --temp=site Temporarily use this site as primary for download
-s, --stream Build a package stream
-T, --target=arch:rel Specify architecture and OS release for stream
-o, --output=file File name for package stream (used with -s)
-x, --exclude=package Package to exclude
-W, --workdir=path Path to use for downloads
--config=file Use this configuration file
-y, --yes Answer yes on all prompts
-n, --nomod No modifications are made to the system
-D, --debug Debug mode
--trace Set trace mode (-v) for pkgadd/pkgrm
-h, --help Show this help
-v, --version Show version
-V, --syscheck System check

Example: pkgutil -i CSWwget (install wget and its dependencies)

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